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UK Police Unity Tour

North East Chapter


Raising awareness and funds of police officers and staff who have died in the line of duty.


Care of Police Survivors (otherwise known as COPS) is a UK-registered charity dedicated to helping the families of police officers and staff who have lost their lives whilst on duty. We aim to ensure that survivors have all the help they need to cope with such a tragedy and that they remain part of the police family as they rebuild their lives.

Only another survivor can fully understand what new survivors endure, that shared experience is the basis for our peer support programme. 

COPS enables survivors to help survivors, but the extent of help provided will always be controlled by the new survivor. Sometimes an understanding listener is needed. Sometimes more practical help is required. Whatever the need, COPS will be able to put survivors in touch with those who truly understand.

COPS is independent of the police service and was founded in March 2003 by Jim McNulty and Christine Fulton (MBE). Jim was a retired police officer from Strathclyde Police. 

Christine is the widow of PC Lewis Fulton who was murdered on duty in Glasgow in 1994.

Christine's experience of that tragedy gave her a unique understanding of the overwhelming grief and confusion that is encountered by new survivors. COPS makes contact with the survivors of every officer who loses their life on duty, explaining what COPS do and inviting them to make contact when they are ready for such support.


Honouring and Remembering British Police Officers who Lost their Lives in the Line of Duty

Please Donate

We know that not everybody will be able to ride, However, if you wish to donate to the Team page please click the button to show your support or to read our story and see how we are progressing

Thank you for your support.

Please Donate

We know that not everybody will be able to ride, However, if you wish to donate to the Team page please click the button to show your support or to read our story and see how we are progressing

Thank you for your support.


Register for the Police Unity Tour 

The UK Police Unity Tour, now in its 13th year will start on Friday, 1st August 2025.

Please complete the form by clicking below if you wish to register for the ride in 2025.

Not only do we need riders, but we also need a support team

Could you be part of the support team? Contact us here

Do you still want to be part of the police Unity Tour but do not wish to or are not able to participate in the ride itself? 

Become part of our amazing support team and experience every twist and turn of the tour first-hand alongside the riders in 2025.

The same criteria applies to becoming a support team member as it does a rider on the tour so please check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the site to ensure that you are eligible. If so, we would love your support.

Like the riders, each support team member is asked to pay a non-refundable deposit of £180. This is used by the tour to fund the cost of two nights hotel accommodation, transportation throughout the event and a coveted UK Police Unity Tour jersey of your very own.

If you wish to ride, please click below and complete the initial registration form.

If you wish to be part of our fantastic support team please contact us via the contact form


Frequently asked questions

Who can be a Police Unity Tour Member?

Membership is open to Police Officers (serving, retired or specials) or from the extended police family (PCSOs, Police Staff or DDOs etc). Applications from the wider Police family (CPS etc) will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Participants must be 18 years and older.

UK PUT may choose to accept an immediate survivor of a police officer killed in the line of duty to participate as a rider if they meet all other criteria. Support team members may be non-police personnel and are typically police staff, family or trusted friends.

No one who is under suspension (with or without pay), under criminal investigation or subject to any other disciplinary procedures may participate.

All applicants MUST abide by the Police Code of Conduct and Regulations, the policies and the rules of the UK Police Unity Tour.

What are the dates of the Ride?

Care of Police Survivors have announced that their 2025 Memorial Service will take place at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire on Sunday 3rd August 2025

Therefore the UK Police Unity Tour, now in its 13th year, will start on Friday, 1st August 2025 from the North Yorkshire Police HQ and will conclude at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire to coincide with the memorial service.

Where does my registration fee go?

The registration fee will be used to offset the cost of two nights of hotel accommodation, transportation and one UK Police Unity Tour jersey.

What equipment do I need to participate?

A quality road or hybrid bicycle is recommended.

A BSI (Kite Mark) certified helmet which must be worn at all times whilst riding

Suitable gloves and glasses, if preferred

Black cycling shorts for uniformity.

How much does it cost to participate?

Each member, whether a participating rider or support staff, must pay £180 to register. This is a non-refundable deposit paid at the time of completing the online booking.

If you wish to be part of the support team, please contact us by the contact form below.

In addition, each rider commits to raising a minimum of £400 sponsorship for Care of Police Survivors.

Can my friends and family join me at the service?

The remembrance service is open to everyone. Serving officers may wish to attend in uniform however this is not compulsory.

How far is the route?

Route lengths can vary according to which local Chapter you will be riding with.

The route will normally consist of around 180 miles, the majority of which will be completed on the Friday and Saturday of the Police Unity Tour

How fit do I need to be to ride and will training be provided?

Each member will be responsible for their own training. A reasonable level of fitness is required to participate and if you have any concerns then please seek the advice of your GP before commencing training. The route is approx 180 miles over 3 days (The first two days are 60-90 miles and the third day is a leisurely 10 miles.) The route is undulating in places. The tour will ride as a group and at the speed will average 12-18 mph.

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Contact Us

The UK Police Unity Tour raises money for the Charity Care Of Police Survivors, registered 1101478 (England & Wales) / sco038541 (Scotland)

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